304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
Weekend: 10AM - 5PM

Zambezi River Sunset Cruise


Cost USD80 Per Person

The Zambezi River Sunset Cruise in Livingstone, Zambia is a popular tourist attraction that offers a relaxing and scenic experience on the Zambezi River while watching the sun set over the African horizon. The cruise typically lasts for about 2 hours and takes place on a large, comfortable boat with a variety of amenities such as a bar, snacks, and toilets.

During the cruise, passengers can enjoy views of the Zambezi River and its surrounding landscape, which is teeming with wildlife such as hippos, crocodiles, and various bird species. The highlight of the cruise is the stunning sunset, which is a breathtaking sight to behold as the sun slowly dips below the horizon, casting a golden glow over the water.

We offer various additional activities such as live music and traditional African dance performances, as well as a chance to try local delicacies such as bream fish and roasted peanuts. It’s a great way to unwind after a day of sightseeing and experience the beauty of Africa in a unique and memorable way.